Happy hump day, guys! Today I worked my booty and legs. There really isn't any rhyme or reason to the lifts that I chose to do today, other than the fact that most of them focused on my glutes.
And maybe I should note ... I'm not proclaiming to be any sort of fitness guru, I'm just a girl who's trying to get stronger by doing lifts and exercises I've picked up throughout high school and college.
Here's a breakdown of the lifts I did today:
Lunges with 15 lb dumbbells: 20 reps x 3 sets
Hip thrusts with a 40 lb bar: 10 reps x 3 sets
Wide-leg squat at 90 lbs: 12 reps x 4 sets
Hamstring curl in with exercise ball: 10 reps x 3 sets
Resistance band kickbacks: 10 reps (each leg) x 3 sets
Single leg bench lunge with 40 lb bar: 10 reps (each leg) x 3 sets
Resistance band squat walk: 30 steps (which is across the room and back for my gym) x 3 sets
I definitely put it work today — my legs are for sure going to be sore tomorrow! And remember when I said I don't usually get much from running anymore? My inner thighs were sore today. I didn't know it till I started doing my wide-leg squats!
Shelbie Renee

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